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Last updated: 2018-09-03

UAB “SYNOPTICOM” cares about the protection of your information and complies with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) and other personal data protection legislation. For more information, read carefully this Notice.

  • 1. How should I read this Notice?

    This Notice will answer the most important questions how we collect, use and store information about you. In case you have any questions or any part of this Notice is unclear, we are ready to help you as described in Section 15 of this Notice. Please, note that any reference to the word ‘we’/’us’ in this Notice means our Company as indicated in Section 2 of this Notice.

  • 2. Who is responsible for the protection of my information?

    We: UAB „Synopticom”;
    Identifier of our legal entity: 300650435;
    Our address: Žolyno g. 11A, Vilnius.

  • 3. Why do you collect information about me?

    We provide public access to, support and improve the website (hereinafter – the Website) and ensure its security. By browsing our Website, you make a contract with us, which provides you with access to the content of the Website, and accept the statutory conditions of its use, including but not limited to the terms and conditions of copyright, data privacy and protection as detailed in this Notice.

      The collection, use and storage of information about you is necessary in order to:
    • manage, improve and optimise our Website and the experience of its users;
    • respond to inquiries, proposals of visitors of the Website, provide technical support;
    • comply with legal obligations, resolve any disputes that can arise with you or third parties and enforce our rights related to the agreements made between you us and third parties;
    • understand browsing tendencies, estimate the size of our audience and usage models, understand the wishes and needs of our customers;
    • improve the performance and appearance of the Website, create new functions and functionalities;
    • protect our rights and assets relating to the Website;
    • identify you in our system, for billing reasons and to be able to contact you if for any reason there should be a problem with your account.

  • 4. What information do you collect, use and store about me?

    When you are browsing the Website administered by us, we can use technologies (analysis of queries from your browser to the Website, cookies, etc.) which automatically collect:

    Usage data: when you open the Website, we can automatically collect certain data about your access to the Website and its use (e.g. entry and exit URL, content and pages you access on the Website, access dates and times, etc.);

    Information about your equipment: when you open the Website, we can automatically collect information about your equipment and internet connection (e.g. IP addresses, type of the computer or mobile device you use, version of the operational system, equipment identity, browser type, language, etc.).

    When you initiate the use of functionalities (forms) of the Website which submits queries to us, offer us to make a contract with you or when you send a message to the contact e-mail addresses indicated on the Website, the following data are collected:

    • identification data (name, surname, company, etc.);
    • contact details (e-mail address, etc.);
    • additional data necessary for the relevant contract type, if you propose to make a contract (e.g. in case of an employment contract, the date of birth, CV data, etc.; in case of a contract for servicing, information about company, etc.);
    • any other data provided on your initiative, which you consider as relevant in the context of the inquiry or proposal.

    If you are the registered user, we collect information such as company name, e-mail, address, location, telephone/fax and name of the responsible person.

  • 5. Do you collect sensitive personal information?


  • 6. Do you use cookies?

    When you open the Website, we may send one or several cookies – small alphanumeric text files. We can use both session cookies and persistent cookies. When the browser closes, session cookies expire. Persistent cookies are retained after the browser is closed and may be used in your web browser for later visits on the Website. Persistent cookies may be removed in the settings of the web browser you are using. Consult the user manual of your web browser to find out how to change cookie settings.

    Cookies are a technical means for automatic collection of technical browsing information. We use the following types of cookies:

    • Session cookies. We use session cookies to enable you to use our Website;
    • Preference cookies. We use preferences cookies to remember your preferences and different settings (e.g. website language);
    • Analytical cookies. We use analytical cookies to be able to see the visitor statistics of our Website, the topics of interest to you and offer the most relevant information to you.

    The list of the cookies we use:

    Name of the cookie Cookie objective Expiration of the cookie Data used
    CAKEPHP Webpage operation assurance (framework cookie) 1 hour Session ID
    PHPSESSID Webpage operation assurance (framework cookie) Until the browser is shut down Session ID
    ls28629164789259281352 Execution of the survey Until the browser is shut down Session ID
    __utma Analytics of the webpage Until deleted Number of visits
    __utmb and __utmc Analytics of the webpage __utmb – till the end of the session __utmc – 30 min after closing the site Time of the beginning and the ending of the session
    __utmz Analytics of the webpage 6 months Information about browser, used keywords, etc
    __utmt Analytics of the webpage 10 min 1 (true)

  • 7. What information should I provide to you and why?

    As a visitor of the Website, you do not have to provide any information to us. All technical information is automatically collected using standard web browsing technologies (analysis of the queries sent by your browser to the Website, cookies, etc.).

    If you wish to use the functionalities (forms) of the Website which submit queries to us, offer us to make a contract with you or when you use the contact e-mail addresses indicated on the Website, you should indicate:

    • your identification data (name, surname, company, etc.);
    • your contact details (e-mail address, etc.);
    • additional data necessary for the relevant contract type, if you offer to make a contract.

    You may also provide additional data at your discretion, which you consider relevant for your query or offer to make a contract. In case some information necessary to respond to your query in a proper manner is missing, we may ask you to provide such information.

    If you register to the “synopticom” system, you should provide us following information:

    • company name;
    • e-mail address;
    • address;
    • telephone/fax;
    • name of the responsible person.
  • 8. What information about me is collected from other sources and from which?

    We do no collect any data of visitors of the Website from other sources.

  • 9. Why are you allowed by law to collect my information?

    We collect information about you lawfully on the following grounds:

    • Your information is necessary to us to be able to provide access to the Website, i.e. to perform our contract and allow you to browse our Website according to your wishes, as well as to be able to answer the queries initiated by you regarding the services we provide (Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation);
    • Your information is necessary to us to be able to provide access to the “Synopticom” system, i.e. to perform our contract and allow you to use “`Synopticom” system (Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation);
    • You have given your consent to the processing of your personal data on your own initiative by submitting a query or complaint to us when that is not related to our services or goods (Article 6(1)(a) of General Data Protection Regulation);
    • Your information is necessary to us to be able to comply with our legal obligations, resolve any disputes that can arise with you or third parties and enforce our rights related to the agreements made between you and us or us and third parties (Article 6(1)(c) of General Data Protection Regulation);
    • Your information is necessary to us in order to improve our Website and the experience of its users, as well as to protect the Website against unauthorised access (Article 6(1)(f) of General Data Protection Regulation).
  • 10. Will you use my personal data for automatic decision-making or for my profiling?


  • 11. With whom will you share my personal data?

    We may disclose your personal data to:

    • The Purchaser or any other successor of our rights when, during merger, spin-off, restructuring, reorganisation, liquidation or any other sale or transfer of our company's assets or part of the assets, going concern or bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceedings, your personal data held by us is among the assets so transferred;
    • Our insurers and/or professional advisers to the extent reasonably necessary in order to get or maintain insurance coverage, manage risk, get professional advice or secure, enforce or get defence for legal claims both in judicial proceedings and under the administrative or out-of-court procedure;
    • Service providers or our contractors to the extent reasonably necessary to provide access to, support, develop and ensure security of the Website.

    We may also disclose your personal data if such disclosure is necessary for compliance with legal obligations applicable to us and for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure.

  • 12. Will my personal data be transferred outside the European Economic Area?


  • 13. How long will you store information about me?

    The information of the queries and proposals submitted by you will be stored for the time period set out by the Chief Archivist of Lithuania.

    Technical information that is automatically collected about the user's equipment and browsing is stored as it is specified in the table above.

  • 14. What rights do I have?

    You have the following rights in the area of personal data protection:

    • Right to access the information held about you;
    • Right to request rectification of the information held about you;
    • Right to object to the processing of data on the grounds of our legitimate interest when the relevant data are processed only on the grounds of our legitimate interests and such processing disproportionately restricts your rights and freedoms or legitimate interests in the context of specific circumstances;
    • Right to request erasure of the information held about you:
      - when the data are processed only on the grounds of our legitimate interests, you object to such data processing and such processing disproportionately restricts your rights and freedoms or legitimate interests in the context of specific circumstances, except in the cases when such data processing is necessary for the establishment or defence of legal claims;
      - when your data are processed without any legitimate basis.
    • Right to request restriction of access to the information held about you or its erasure:
      - when rectification of erroneous data is requested, for a period until the errors identified are rectified;
      - when data processing on the grounds of our legitimate interest is contested, for a period until your objection is considered and our decision regarding its further processing is made;
      - when the personal data are no longer necessary to us, but they are required by you for the establishment or defence of legal claims;
      - of any data processed without any legal basis when you do not request their erasure.
    • Right to contest the collection, use and storage of your information in our company;
    • Right to request export your data;
    • Right to submit a complaint to the State Data Protection Inspectorate.

    In order to exercise the above-referred rights, please contact our contact person for data protection as indicated in Section 15. Please note that these rights are subject to statutory conditions and exceptions.

  • 15. How can you help me?

    If you have any questions, comments or complaints in relation to how we collect, use and store data about you, assistance is available from UAB “Synopticom”. If you need any help, contact us by e-mail

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